Papers from the First Part of the MPL (21st to 23rd September 2022, Belgrade, Serbia) will be printed as integral part of Proceedings of MHCL 2022 as hard copy and on CD-ROM in electronic form. Selected papers duly presented during First Part of the MPL (about 5 papers, requirement for extended version of the paper), will be further screened and after peer review, will be published in Special issues of the following international journals:
FME Transactions (indexed by SCOPUS)
Journal of Applied Engineering Science (indexed by SCOPUS)
2. Papers from the Second Part of the MPL (14th to 16th December 2022, Bar, Montenegro) will be printed in separate the Proceedings of MHCL 2022 as hard copy and on CD-ROM in electronic form. Selected papers duly presented during Conference (about 10 papers, requirement for extended version of the paper), will be further screened and after peer review, will be published in issues of the following international journals:
Maritime Business Review (indexed by SCOPUS)
Clener Logistics and Supply Chain (indexed by SCOPUS)